Tag: SEO

Tools to Make Your Video Campaigns Stand Out

Tools to Make Your Video Campaigns Stand Out

Video marketing campaigns have long been used by many companies to great effect. Videos are more often than not entertaining, informative, and direct to the point. By making use of video, there’s no need for users to read walls of text just to understand what the...
Best Practices and Pitfalls: Meta Tags SEO Guidelines

Best Practices and Pitfalls: Meta Tags SEO Guidelines

When reviewing websites, analysts dissect and study the meta tags used on the page as one of the first steps. They are little snippets of text that describe what that page’s content is all about. If you’ve ever followed or subscribed to a blog, you will notice they...
5 Tips and Guidelines for Writing SEO Content

5 Tips and Guidelines for Writing SEO Content

Even though content is vital for SEO, just filling up blogs with lots of keywords and nothing else isn’t the right approach to writing SEO content. Some writers focus too much on finding the right keywords and using them a lot, which makes the content more for...
Do Backlinks Still Work for SEO

Do Backlinks Still Work for SEO

Backlinks are crucial for SEO. They give your website more authority, which helps it rank higher in search engines. But while they’re essential, they’re not the sole factor determining your website’s success in attracting visitors and ranking well...